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Our tool simplifies the process that goes from identifying needs to getting resources to those who need them.


One platform, many benefits

Through Sociants, individuals, community providers and social agencies connect and exchange information to improve health outcomes in the communities they serve. This exchange makes it easier to get personalized help according to the needs of each individual, thus reducing health care costs while solving problems that revolve around social determinants of health. With access to the right information, help gets into the right hands. That is our goal!

Directory of community organizations and support networks

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We have a trusted network of health care and community providers to coordinate social services tailored to individual needs.

Our directory is a community action partnership of health and social care organizations and groups. We easily identify groups so that they can exchange data, refer cases, and identify resources that provide help in the midst of health and social emergencies. In addition, it includes maps and reports to understand trends among users and analyze the effectiveness of referrals.

Survey and evaluation generator

We monitor the social determinants that affect health with agility and accuracy.

Through simple questions, our survey and evaluation generator explores the social determinants that affect an individual to identify the best way to assist them in their need. Important data is collected, such as place of residence, age, among others. Each registered individual must answer a basic survey on the social determinants that affect them: this information helps us to have a complete and detailed information base. Additionally, community providers can add any metrics they want to evaluate.


Matching needs and resources

We guarantee that help reaches the right hands, at the time they need it.

Through the analysis of our database, this powerful tool connects people with providers that coincide in the provision of services that they are looking for. Searches can be made by categories, such as social determinants, type of need, urgency, available resources, geographical areas, data from our interactive maps, among others. Providers can also assign a case manager to easily refer people from this space. The importance of this system is that it facilitates the case coordination process and saves vital time when providing help to those who need it.

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Coordination of referrals and monitoring of services

We validate the inventory of available resources to refer effectively.

This is where, apart from coordinating, inventory is reserved, resources are scheduled, the logistics of the aid provided are planned, and where and how these tasks are carried out are determined. Registered organizations can easily refer people to an organization that is part of their network. The main value of this space is to provide procedural control that allows better organization when starting referrals and making results visible after providing services.


Public and private networks

We facilitate contact with local and international organizations so that assistance arrives quickly.

In addition to the rapid identification of resources, these networks allow the impact of the services provided to the community to be seen, and users can exchange information and refer cases to each other. Maps and reports are also integrated to know the participation trends of other users and measure the success of referrals in a network.


Information, analysis and comprehensive reports


We offer up-to-date reports and analysis at your convenience.

Among the data that can appear in these reports are the metrics of referrals made, types of service provided, needs identified, activities recorded by user, and more. This data can capture the workflow to measure the success of each initiative, as well as areas of opportunity and growth. The information may also be used to apply for funding and any other type of assistance.

Support to serve and educate our customers

We provide the highest quality assistance, on your time.

We are proud to have a team of experts ready to answer each of your questions. In addition to this valuable resource, we have monthly training sessions, chat support, and a set of frequently asked questions that you can refer to at any time.

Integrations and customization

We connect our clients with their own data sources.

You can integrate Sociants to your organization's information systems, thus creating a personalized platform with single sign-on. As part of this service, we also help you design collaborative workflows with other community providers to achieve predetermined results.

Security and data privacy

We prioritize and safeguard the private information of our clients and individuals.

Apart from being covered by the Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), access to our platform is based on permissions, and integrates security protocols that comply with the strictest legal standards. With Sociants, your information is always protected!

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