We are a company focused on identifying solutions centered on the human being and directed to the search and design of innovative social applications .
Sociants ensures that the right people have access to the right information at the right time.
The Sociants platform aims to ensure that all people identified as in need receive personalized help. We match the social needs of individuals with community organizations that can provide them with services and resources.
Sociants is a tool for Community Providers to share, register their resources and services, and connect them to individual needs.
Community providers use Sociants to identify communities in need and provide them with the resources they need.
Sociants also offers tools for organizations to track social needs, find resources, get an overview of their inventory, and coordinate referral delivery to improve the health of our society.
Overcome the challenges of improving the well-being of people, regardless of their circumstances.
Streamline the assistance of people in need between community providers quickly, accurately and secured.
At Sociants we use ethical and transparent processes to collect and manage all data and information collected on our platform. We are committed to empowering people by providing them with the tools and resources to meet all their needs. Above all, we believe in teamwork and collaborative efforts to achieve a common goal: a resilient society.
We incorporate all laws into the platform with permission-based access for maximum compliance. Sociants' in-house legal team puts together and manages the legal structures and agreements that ensure our platform complies with all state and federal information sharing laws.
About Partners
Sociants was developed as a platform to meet social needs and support communities. The platform serves to identify the social determinants of health, as well as to offer help after a natural disaster. Sociants is the best tool for your organization to understand the value of meeting the various social needs in the coordination of services they provide. Our goal is to improve the well-being and health of each person within a community.
Social determinants are factors related to health, culture, politics and economics that allow you to have a broader perspective on the relationship between the well-being and health of a person, with socio-economic and environmental factors. Some common social determinants are: food, instability, inadequate, unstable or non-existent housing, lack of public services, interpersonal violence, clothing/shoes, transportation and others. By recognizing the impact of social determinants, stakeholders will fully understand the health of a population and be able to effectively communicate health-related conditions and behaviors to improve health outcomes.
Extreme weather events and disaster events manifest the community support system, or lack thereof, and exacerbate people's weak circumstances. Natural disasters cause property destruction, loss of financial resources, and personal injury or even death. The impact of these disasters on people often affects them physically, mentally, and emotionally, and the loss of resources, safety, and access to shelter can even, in less developed countries, lead to mass migration.
Our team is closely integrated into the communities we serve. Some members of our team have a background in social work; others have training in areas of health and social service. Other members of our team have developed software technologies whose purpose is to serve the human being, such as social financing platforms. With a mix of project management, nonprofit, and technical expertise, you gain a wealth of knowledge to guide you through the implementation experience and beyond.
Sociants' development accelerated after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and gaps in aid and resources for victims were exposed. Sociants serves to close these gaps and even prevent them.
Let us know if we can be of help to your community.