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Terms of Service

This Terms of Service Agreement ("Agreement") shall be effective as of the date User creates an account and/or uses the Sociants Services (as defined below "Effective Date") by and between REMA , LLC and its affiliates ("Sociants"; "We" "Our") and User and, as applicable, its Affiliates ("User"; "You"; "Your"); each individually, a "Party" and collectively "The parts". These Terms of Services may change without notice or notice. The most current version of the Terms of Service will always be available through the Sociants website. Please review these Terms of Service periodically. PREAMBLE WHEREAS, Sociants, is a registered trademark of REMA, LLC., is a digital platform that matches needs with services to help the well-being of people in the community. Sociants provides access to all users and tools for better decision making, optimization in distributing care and services; WHEREAS, the User wishes to access and use the services of Sociants under these Terms of Service set forth in this Agreement; THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and mutual agreements set forth below, and other important and valuable considerations, the User and Sociants agree to the foregoing and agree to the following: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Obligations Sociants: 1.1 . Partner license. REMA, LLC has obtained a license from Propulsa, LLC to market its products and services. Pursuant to such designation, REMA, LLC grants the User a sole, limited, revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use Sociants as described in these Terms of Service accepted by the User in accordance with this agreement, for the period ending in (i) the termination of this Agreement, or (ii) the expiration of any extended term applicable to the terms of this Agreement. 1.2. Services. Sociants is a social determinants of health platform that uses proprietary intellectual property to enable the matching of needs and support, as well as complementary uses and functionality, which may be published at your discretion ("Sociants Services"). 1.3. Password. The Sociants Services are restricted by a password for authorized users and the platform can only be accessed using the login account and password that the User decided to use when creating the Sociants account. The User is responsible for keeping the password confidential. Therefore, the User assumes responsibility for all actions taken - and instructions provided by Sociants - under the account of the User or third parties, whether authorized or not. 1.4. Privacy Policy. At Sociants, the privacy of User information is taken very seriously. Users agree to read and accept the Sociants Privacy Policy as amended. 1.5. Distribution. The Sociants Services are offered solely by online means, through the digital World Wide Web. The user uses the platform at his own risk. When accessing the Sociants Services, the User is responsible for their functional connection to the web. 1.2. Setting. The basic configuration of all services will be the sole responsibility of Sociants. The user is responsible for providing an environment that corresponds to the specifications of the services and is otherwise suitable for the configuration and operation of the services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the application for the Sociants Services selected by the User must be adequate in terms of the availability of electrical power, wiring, device connectivity, Internet services and hard disk. The software and supplies are not included with the services, but are required for their configuration, operation or use. 2. Obligations of the User: 2.1. User Requirements. The User registering to use Sociants must be of the minimum age, as defined in this section, or older. The user will only have one account, which must be registered in their real name and subject to any previous restrictions to use the Sociants Services. "Minimum Age" means eighteen (18) years for the United States and its territories. However, if the law requires that the User must be older in order for Sociants to legally provide the Services to the User (including the collection, storage and use of the User's information), the Minimum Age is such age required by law. . Our services are not designed for, and we do not direct them to, anyone under the age of thirteen (13). For this reason, we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of thirteen (13). 2.2. Bill. To access and use the Sociants Services, you must first create an account. The user can request a Sociants account by creating or submitting basic user information to Sociants, "Create an account". The user will create a password only known by him or by an authorized third party. It is the user's responsibility to keep this information secret. If for any reason the password is lost, forgotten, if there is a breach of security or an unauthorized use of any password, the User must contact Sociants immediately at:; to (i) reset your password, (ii) deactivate your account and prevent fraud and other illegal activities, and (iii) make any reasonable efforts to stop any reproduction or distribution of the content. 23. Acceptance. By accessing or using the Sociants Services, User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the User does not agree with these terms of service, do not access or use the platform. 2.4. Authorization. The user grants Sociants the non-exclusive, worldwide right to use, copy, store, transmit and display the User's data to the fullest extent permitted by law. The User agrees to grant Sociants an express, specific and limited power to act on behalf of the User and subrogate the rights of the User to make a reference to the Users of the community that are part of our network. Sociants is not authorized to edit, modify or delete information or data provided by the User in order to effectively request a service, unless the User has given their consent in writing. Sociants is only responsible for processing the referral, but cannot guarantee a specific time frame or the quality of services provided by other users. Sociants works based on the information entered by Users and assumes that it is accurate, current and legal. However, Sociants is not responsible for any erroneous information or lack of information, nor is it responsible for the acts carried out by the user when submitting the information and/or for all illegal activities or intentions that the user may have or has committed when completing and submit a survey to obtain services. 2.5. Information. The user agrees to provide true, accurate, complete, correct, current and legal information and data, and will not encourage or use Sociants for illegal, fraudulent and / or unauthorized actions, such as, but not limited to, fraudulent requests for services or intellectual property and privacy violations in violation of applicable law, rules, regulations, court or government order, or give rise to civil liability or violate or infringe intellectual property, proprietary property, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, the moral, publicity or other rights of any person or entity. The user assumes all responsibility arising from any errors or inaccuracies, and is solely responsible for the consequences arising from these errors, inaccuracies and any act during the use of the Sociants Services. The User also grants Sociants consent through the acceptance of these Terms of Service to benefit from the analysis of non-identified information (“de-identified”). 2.6. User rights. By using the Sociants Services, the User: 2.6.1. You may access and use the Sociants Platform only on a single login basis at a time. 2.6.2. You may use the Sociants platform licensed under this Agreement solely for User's personal purposes. 2.6.3. For optimal use of, you should not opt out of email communications, as this is the method by which Sociants and the user can communicate. 2.7. User limitations. The Sociants Services are subject to the following limitations: 2.7.1. The user will not use the Sociants Services platform to perform any data or information processing services for third parties in exchange for a fee or other pecuniary benefit of any kind. 2.7.2. The user will not copy the Sociants Services for any reason or commercially exploit the Sociants Services or create Internet links (“links”) to the service or "frame" any content on, or accessible from, the services on any other server, device wireless or using the Internet. 2.7.3. You will not license, sublicense, sell, resell, assign, give access to, make available, transfer or distribute to any other person any or all of the Sociants Services, or any right, title or interest of any kind. 2.7.4. You agree not to modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, make derivative works of, or otherwise access Sociants to create a competitive service or build a product using or copying similar ideas, features, functions, or graphics based on Sociants or anywhere therein. 2.7.5. You acknowledge that you do not obtain any right, title, or interest in the copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights of Sociants, and you agree not to assign, lend, sublicense, alter, modify, adapt, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit it for commercial purposes. 2.7.6. The user is solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability and correctness of the content provided. The user is responsible for any and all activities that occur under the user's account and will comply with all applicable local, state, federal, national and foreign laws, treaties and regulations in connection with the use of the Sociants platform. . The user must ensure that the use of the Sociants Services complies at all times with all applicable local, state, federal and international laws, regulations and conventions, including without limitation those related to data privacy, international communications and Protected Health Information (“Protected Health Information”). 2.7.7. THE USER IS UNDER THE OBLIGATION NOT TO PRETEND TO BE OR TO TAKE THE IDENTITY OF ANOTHER USER OR CUSTOMER OF SOCIANTS OR TO PROVIDE FALSE IDENTITY INFORMATION TO OBTAIN ACCESS TO THE SERVICES. 3. Charges and Payment Fees. The user will pay Sociants for the use of the services at the following rates specified according to the type of user. Sociants will charge: 3.1. Rates. The applicable rate selected by the User from the available alternatives published on Fees will take into consideration the number of user types, number of users, roles, and other factors to assess what the final amount of money will be owed to REMA, LLC on a monthly basis. The user acknowledges and agrees that any change in any factor could result in changes in the amount due for the period that the change takes effect. 3.2. Payment method. These payments will be automatically charged through the User's preferred credit card, using third party payment processors. User may choose to save credit card information for recurring billing or, by not saving, may re-enter information for future use. 3.3. Payment authorization. The user grants Sociants and its representatives express authorization to charge their credit card for the purpose detailed above. User understands that this form constitutes a legally binding contract and that by signing the Agreement, User will be responsible for all agreed-upon charges (as stated above), as well as any and all legal and collection fees. The authorization granted hereby is for the sole purpose of this Agreement. 3.4. Taxes. The User is responsible for all tax payments that are made for processing, shipping, collection, payment and final refund. 3.5. Cancellations and Refunds. The user can cancel his account at any time by sending us an email at Sociants will suspend the user account and fees will no longer accrue. The user accepts and acknowledges that, upon cancellation, they will not receive any refund of the fees already paid. 4. Additional Provisions 4.1 Confidentiality. Each party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement, the other party may require, be exposed to, and have access to the other party's materials, data, and information that are confidential, proprietary, or proprietary and/or a trade secret ("Confidential Information"). "). Confidential information shall include, but not be limited to, User information or any confidential or proprietary information disclosed by or on behalf of either party in writing or orally and any such information discovered by either party pursuant to with the provision of the Sociants Services under this Agreement. The parties agree that they will not disclose the Confidential Information, except as required in the course of performing their obligations under this Agreement, to any person, firm, or corporation, nor will they use the Confidential Information for any purpose except to fulfill their respective obligations under this Agreement, except as required by law. The User's confidentiality obligations hereunder do not apply to any information that (i) was lawfully and rightfully in the User's possession at the time of disclosure and was not acquired directly or indirectly through Sociants, (ii) was legally acquired and entitled thereto by the User from other persons who acquired through proper means and had no obligation of confidentiality to Sociants with respect thereto, or (iii) now, or hereafter becomes, through no fault of of the User, part of the public domain by publication or otherwise. 4.2. Intellectual property. Except as provided in this section, information exchanged between the parties will be considered confidential, unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties. Each party will keep all terms, conditions or other provisions of this Agreement confidential. The user acknowledges and accepts as follows: 4.2.1. The owner of each item of Intellectual Property embodied in any component of the Sociants Services shall own and retain title in and to each product and its components, including without limitation all Intellectual Property embodied in (i) code and documentation of all services, (ii) all user manuals or information, (iii) the layout and format of input and output screens, graphical user interface, and printable forms, reports, and other printouts embedded or generated for the Services, and (iv) all additions, improvements, revisions, updates, customizations or other modifications to the Sociants Services or any part thereof, regardless of any fees or charges paid by the User to Sociants with respect to the Services. Services or the design, creation or use thereof. The user must not cause or allow the elimination or alteration in any way of any notice, legend or symbol that denotes any copyright, registered trademark, patent or other property right or proprietary interest of the Intellectual Property that appears on any screen of input or output or printed output incorporated in or generated by the Products, or any documentation, manuals, brochures or other written or printed materials of any kind related to the Products. 4.2.2. Each item of Intellectual Property incorporated into a product or any component thereof constitutes valuable proprietary information and trade secrets of the owner of such Intellectual Property. User shall not disclose (or permit any User employee, independent contractor, agent, or other person under its authority or control to disclose) to any person, or allow any person access to such proprietary information or trade secrets in its entirety or in part; provided, however, that use of the Products in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement is permitted by User's employees in the ordinary course and scope of their employment by User. The user must not make or allow the Services to be modified, decompiled or reverse engineered, in whole or in part. The user shall not cause or allow the Products and/or Services, the documentation or other information related to the Products to be copied or reproduced in any form or medium, in whole or in part. User will take such actions to preserve and protect the proprietary rights and confidentiality interests of Sociants in and with respect to the Products that are, at a minimum, commensurate with the actions taken by User to preserve and protect its proprietary and trade secrets. valuable or other proprietary rights confidential information. 4.3. Discharge. The Sociants Services are a registered trademark of REMA, LLC, and is a license not sold to the User. User may use the Sociants Services only as permitted by these Terms of Service. The User cannot, and will not allow any other party: (i) to modify, adapt, alter, translate or create derivative works of the Applications; (ii) use or merge the Website, or any component or element thereof, with any other software, databases or services not provided by Sociants; (iii) license, distribute, sell or transfer the Website to any third party; (iv) use the website as a service agency, or lease, rent or lend the website to third parties; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code or structure of the Website; (vi) interfere in any way with the operation of the website; (vii) circumvent, or attempt to circumvent, any electronic protection measures implemented to regulate or control access to the Website; (viii) create a database by downloading and systematically storing the website; (ix) use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device to retrieve, index, scrape, data mine, or otherwise collect the Website or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website without our prior express written consent; or (x) use the website for commercial purposes. The user agrees not to develop, distribute or sell any software or other functionality capable of being launched, launched or otherwise integrated with the website. The user may not remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or any other proprietary notice appearing on the website. 4.4. Websites. With respect to the Sociants Services, the Website may contain links to other Internet sites. Links to and from the Website to other third party sites do not constitute an endorsement by Sociants, or any of its affiliates, of such third party sites, an acceptance of responsibility for the content of such sites or any transfer of data to these sites. In the event that the User requests that Sociants provide User data to a third party or to any user location outside of the United States, the User represents that it has obtained the consent or has provided the necessary notices to transfer said content or information. and that such transfer does not violate any applicable international, federal, state, or local laws and/or regulations. 4.5. Third Party Users. We work with third-party users to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support and market our services. When we share information with third-party users, we ask them to use your information in accordance with the law, our instructions and terms, or with your express permission. Some Users' access to information is contingent upon acceptance of the Business Associate Agreement incorporated herein at Exhibit A. 5. Other Terms and Conditions. 5.1. Duration and Termination. This Agreement will commence on the effective date and continue until terminated, as set forth below. This Agreement will terminate in any of the following situations: (1) in the event of a breach of this Agreement, Sociants reserves the right to suspend or terminate User's use of or access to the Website if User fails to comply with these Terms of services; (2) User may terminate, at its sole discretion (for any or no reason) the use of the Sociants Services by written Notice and after the account deletion process. Such suspension or termination may result in the permanent deletion of User information or other previously available content, User's failure to service will not alter the obligation to pay all outstanding charges on User's billing account. 5.2. Warranties and Disclaimer. REMA, LLC or its affiliates do not represent or warrant that the Services will be error-free or uninterrupted; that defect will be corrected; or that the service or the server that makes the service available is free of any harmful components, including, without limitation, viruses. REMA, LLC or its Affiliates make no representation or warranty that the information (including instructions) on the services is accurate, complete, or useful. The user acknowledges that the use of the service is legal in any particular jurisdiction, and that REMA, LLC or its Affiliates specifically disclaims such warranties, some jurisdictions limit or do not allow the disclaimer of implied or other warranties, so it is possible that no apply the above disclaimer for the user to the extent that the law of such jurisdiction is applicable to the user and these terms of service. By accessing or using the Service, the User represents and warrants that the activities the User undertakes are legal in all jurisdictions where the User accesses or uses the Service. The Sociants Services, including, without limitation, Sociants Content, are provided "as is", "as available", and "with all faults". To the extent permitted by law, neither REMA, LLC, nor any of its employees, managers, officers, agents or affiliates make any representation, warranty or endorsement of any kind, either express or implied. Furthermore, REMA, LLC, its employees, managers, officers, agents, or affiliates disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, data integrity, title, custom, trade, uninterrupted service and viruses of computer or technology equipment. 5.3. Without limiting the foregoing, copying or reproducing the Sociants Services on any other server or location for further reproduction is expressly prohibited. The Sociants Services are guaranteed, in any event, only in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement. EXCEPT AS WARRANTED IN THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THIS SOFTWARE, REMA, LLC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. You acknowledge that the Sociants Services made available or provided to you may contain technology that is subject to strict controls by various agencies of the United States Government in accordance with United States export control laws and regulations. You agree that you will not transfer or export such software from the United States or re-export such services outside the United States in violation of United States export laws and regulations. REMA, LLC does not authorize the downloading or export of any software or technical data from the Sociants Services to any jurisdiction prohibited by United States export control laws and regulations. 5.4. Limitation of resources. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, User's exclusive remedy with respect to or relating, directly or indirectly, in any way to the Sociants Services, including, without limitation, the design, use, suitability, performance, features or other aspects of the same, whether or not covered by any guarantee, it will be for Sociants, at its discretion, to: (1) repair, correct or address the complaint within a reasonable time; (2) replace the Products in question with identical but working products; (3) replace the Products in question with different products that have substantially the same functionality as the Products being replaced; or (4) reimburse User for all charges related to Products previously paid by User to Sociants. 5.5. Dispute Resolutions. The Parties agree that, in case of differences, disputes or alleged violations related to these Terms of Services, they will not resort to automatic judicial procedures and, instead, will resort, within a reasonable time, to mediation before resorting to litigation. . In the event that the parties are unable to amicably resolve the matter(s) in dispute, and except where the exigency of the matter reasonably requires injunctive relief to preserve the status quo, the Parties shall submit all matters still in dispute to conclusive arbitration. and binding in San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States of America. Both mediation and arbitration proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Service of the American Association of Health Lawyers. The arbitrators may award a prevailing party, in their opinion, their attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection therewith. The venue for any court action with respect to the arbitration, including without limitation enforcement of its decision, shall be in San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States of America. 5.6. Limitation of actions. Except as provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall initiate any action or proceeding relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement more than two years after the Party initiating the action or proceeding knew, or reasonably should have known, of the material facts that give rise to the underlying cause of action. 5.7. Relief. The user releases Sociants (and its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries and employees) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes. 5.8. NO RESPONSIBILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOCIANTS OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE WEBSITE, OR HYPER-LINKED WEBSITE OR SOFTWARE APPLICATION (INCLUDING MOBILE APPLICATIONS) INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION A, ANY LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF PROGRAMS OR DATA ON USER'S EQUIPMENT, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF SOCIANTS IS EXPRESSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SOCIANTS OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO PUNITIVE DAMAGES, EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. 5.9. Damage Limitation. If, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, a court of competent jurisdiction finds that User is entitled to damages with respect to any claim by User arising under this Agreement, the full amount of such damages will be shall be limited to the following: 1) if such damages are related to the performance or failure to perform any service, the amount of such damages shall not exceed the total amount of all charges related to such services which (prior to the date on which they are determined damages) were paid by the User to Sociants; or (2) if such damages are in respect of any other breach of this Agreement by Sociants or its Affiliates (other than breach of the non-infringement guarantee), the amount of such damages shall not exceed the total amount of all charges that, prior to the date from which such damages are determined, were paid by the User to Sociants or its Affiliates with respect to this Agreement. 5.10. Compensation. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Service, User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sociants and its Affiliates, and their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents and other representatives from and against any damages, expenses for loss or other liability that may arise, directly or indirectly, from: (1) any claim by anyone other than User involving or related to any development or use of any service by User (regardless of any defect or defect of any kind in the service) and regardless of any wrongful act or omission or other failure attributable to any of the indemnities mentioned above, or (2) any breach of any obligation of the User under the Agreement. 5.11. Force Majeure. All time periods specified for performance of obligations (other than monetary payment obligations) by either party hereunder shall be subject to extension for a period equal to any delay caused by Force Majeure. . After the occurrence of any Force Majeure, the affected performance will be extended to a number of days equal to the period of said delay. 5.12. Warnings and Notifications. All notices, notices, requests, demands, or other communications directed to a Party shall be in writing and delivered personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the Party's address specified below. continued: 1353 Luis Vigoreaux Ave. PMB 486 Guaynabo, PR 00966 or to such other address as said Party may specify in a Notice to the other Party. 5.13. Separability. Information collected before changes are made will be protected in accordance with the above policies. If any of these terms is held invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such term shall be deemed severable from the Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining terms. 5.14. Choice of Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 5.15. Geographic Limitations. Currently, the Sociants Services are limited to the United States of America. 5.16. Definitions: 5.16.1. "Account" means any Sociants account created by the User on their behalf, within the page for the use of the website services. 5.16.2. “Agreement” means a meeting of opinions with the understanding and acceptance of reciprocal legal rights and duties regarding particular actions or obligations, which the parties intend to exchange; a contract; these Terms of Services. 5.16.3. "Affiliates" means a corporation that is related to another corporation by one owning the other's stock, by common ownership, or by other means of control. 5.16.4. “Cardholder Data” means the full Primary Account Number along with the cardholder's name, expiration date, and service/security code. 5.16.5. "Effective Date" means the date immediately prior to the User's acceptance of these Terms of Use when creating an account with Sociants. 5.16.6. "Force Majeure" means any cause or circumstance beyond the control of the parties (such as, but not limited to, acts of God, changes in government regulations, acts of government agencies or their employees or agents, weather, strikes, lockouts, bosses, boycotts, and inability to secure labor or any materials specified or reasonably necessary in connection with the property through normal commercial channels, fire, unusual delays, etc.) 5.16.7. "Hard Drive” (Hardware) means tangible personal property related to the computer, such as computers, monitors, terminals, storage devices, connectivity devices, printers, etc. 5.16.8. "Information" means all physical and digital material, including including, but not limited to, documents, photographs, digital photocopies, user data, software, etc. 5.16.9 "License" means the right to access and use the Sociants Services granted under the Terms of Service in this Agreement to Authorized Users 5.16.10 "Party" in the plural "Parties" means employees, managers, officers, agents or affiliates of Sociants, or users and users 5.16.11 "Period" means the calendar period (monthly, quarterly or 5.16.12. "Person" means a natural person, or a private or governmental entity of any kind. 5.16.13. "PHI" refers to the Protected Health Information, such as any patient information, including very basic information such as your name or address, that (1) relates to your physical or mental health or condition past, present, or future health care, the provision of health care to an individual, or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual, and (2) identifies the individual or can be reasonably used to identify to the individual; the definition under CFR 160.103. 5.16.14. “Services” or “Sociants Services” means any and all services, tools, software, content, including any application programming interface accessing functionality, provided through Sociants by REMA, LLC. 5.16.15. "Software" means object code versions of any downloadable software provided by Sociants for the sole purpose of accessing the Sociants Services, including but not limited to an agent, along with any updates, new versions, modifications or enhancements, owned and provided by Sociants to User pursuant to this Agreement. 5.16.16. "User" means a person with authorized access to the Services, Software and Documentation, for whom the User has opened an account. There are different types of users, each subject to license and access limitations, such as individuals, field representatives, community leaders, community users, coordinators, volunteers, case managers, resource managers, authorized representatives, and /or government agencies. 5.16.17. "User Data" means the data, files or information that the User has accessed, used, communicated, stored or sent in connection with the User's use of the Services or Software. 5.16.18. "Website or web page" means a group of connected pages on the World Wide Web considered as a single entity, generally maintained by one person or organization and devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics; Sociants. 5.17. All rights reserved. Sociants reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time, without the need for User's consent, and will prominently notify User of such modification. The continued use of the Sociants services by the user will constitute an acceptance of the new Terms of Service. Changes to this Agreement will be effective immediately upon posting and will supersede all prior versions of the Terms of Service, unless otherwise noted. These Terms of Service may change. The most recent version of the Terms of Service will always be available through the website ( 5.18. Entire Agreement. These Terms of Service, together with all other matters incorporated into these Terms of Service by reference, incorporate the entire agreement (Agreements are these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy) and the agreement between User and Sociants and supersedes and terminates all previous agreements.

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