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Only 20% of a person's health and well-being are directly related to their access to quality medical services.

The remaining 80% is conditioned by the physical enviorment, social determinants and behavioral factors.


Sociants offers a digital platform for individuals to share their needs in the face of adversity. At the same time, entities, social groups, and communitarian based organizations can offer their help to an entire community of affected individuals according to their capacity of funds or resources.

With Sociants, we will help your organization find community resources, track social needs, and coordinate referrals with community providers to improve the health of your community.

Our Objective:

Improve the well being and health of all paticipants in the community by using Sociants to help match patient's needs with social programs and community support.

  • Health risk assesment tool to identify SDoH

  • Access networks of social programs

  • Referral case management

  • Avoid penalties from insurance plans

  • Improve patient health and reduce readmissions

  • Increase satisfaction levels

  • Decrease hospital in-patient costs

  • Regulatory considerations on patient safety as part of their CMS certification.



  • Physical Activity

  • Interpersonal Safety

  • Substance Abuse

  • Housing Instability

  • Financial Strain

  • Family & Social Supports

  • Education

  • Food Insecurity

  • Employment

  • Utility Assistance Needs

  • Disabilities

  • Mental Health

  • Transportation Difficulties


Hospitals should be more proactive with the communities to which they belong, inquiring about their real needs and establishing alliances, if necessary, to provide people with basic elements of daily life.

This is the new model of medical care,

hospitals, making the right alliances with social service providers, programs, and organizations.


If your organization is interested in learning more about how Sociants' tools & resources can accelerate your care objective:


By Calling: 787.294.5551

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